Thursday, November 02, 2006

No Grunting

Here is the Lake's 7 Things you should also never hear at the Gym
  1. Debbie Gibson so loud you can hear it over a person's headphones
  2. Anyone on the Stairmaster talking on their cell phone about their bowel movements
  3. Rachael Ray on the TV
  4. Someone on the Treadmill working the rosary beads
  5. The fart sound that is made when someone in a sweaty T-shirt does sit-ups on a rubber mat
  6. Any man with a shaved chest who talks about "enjoying the burn" of benchpressing 500 pounds
  7. The cry of a man whose personal trainer whacked him with a medicine ball in the crotch

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

rachel ray + talkshow = worst idea ever...