Tuesday, November 07, 2006

This weekend I am going to Houston. If Daylight Savings time makes me grumpy traveling one time zone over does too. I realize what I am about to type is impossible but given the following circumstances imagine that I was given a business trip to visit Chicago. Additionally on the planet Earth there are two duplicate Chicagos. One is located where London is located and one on the shores of Lake Michigan. Other than that for the intentions and purposes that I need to visit it doesn't matter which one I go to. Additionally to get to both Chicagos I can take a mode of transportation that would place me at my hotel in the exact same amount of time. Everything is the same, weather, food, experience, buildings, except that one is an hour behind my normal timezone of Eastern. The other is the five hours plus that London is. I hate so much the one hour shift that I would visit the one in London.
To me if you jolt your body something substantial, sure it screws you up for a day or half a day or whatever, but then you are over it. Where as the one hour just teases you for the whole time you are there. Time for dinner, nope wait an hour. Boy must be time to get up. Nope only sleep another 60 minutes schmuck. Boy I am getting tired. Welp its only 10PM.
I think its this predisposition that makes it a good think that I am not one of those no wrinkle suit wearing airport warriors and am instead a cubicle jockey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Texas