Monday, June 11, 2007

There are going to be four reactions to the Soprano's in the office today so just be ready:

1. How dissapointing
2. What a genius is David Chase for ending the show on such a murky moment?
3. I am poseur so I am going to call David Chase a genius even though I was dissapointed.
4. This leaves open a chance for a movie.

I didn't think it was great, but I liked it. Chase stayed true to himself and in that sense when viewed along with the rest of the series it all fits in. Sure if you were looking for an end of MASH or end of Newhart type of ending you were going to be dissapointed. Chase should be considered a genius if for no other reason than 90% of Americans last night thought for a brief second that their Tivo/DVR was broken, and when has someone manipulated the public like that before.

Freshman year of high school in English class I read a story called "The Lady or the Tiger" by Frank Stockton. I couldn't help but think of it last night. I remember the class discussion from that time and I think it really defines how people enjoy stories. A third of the class enjoyed that the ending was left to the reader to imagine. The other two-thirds thought of it as an unfinished story. At the time I was in the two-thirds, as I have grown and revisited the story and stories like it I am now clearly in the one-third. I would much rather an ending like last night than the Usual Suspects.

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