Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Here is what I don't understand about this whole Texas thing with all the wives. Have you seen these women. I can't imagine wanting one of them to be my wife much less 8 or 10 of them. I can venture that one or two of them have "Great Personalities" but the rest of them just look like Lunch Ladies, the kind that yell at you in front of the cafeteria when you try and steal a second milk.


Anonymous said...

You didn't even mention the blank, vacant looks on their faces.

Anonymous said...

It's all about free exercise of religion. They're free to marry whomever. Taste has nothing to do with it.
What bothers me is they seem to engaging in a negative whitewash (blackwash?) of everyone involved. It smacks of guilt by association. They're no longer individuals. Ask any one of the Haymarket defendants, German-Americans of WWI, Sacco or Vanzetti, Japanese-Americans of WWII or Muslims of today.

FD said...

I almost agree with your freedom of religion argument. What is blurred there is are these women choosing to enter into this lifestyle and marriage and forced. From what I have read it point much more on the forced end of the spectrum than the chosen. Even the Amish have a thing for their teens called Rumspringa where they go live in the Modern world to decide if they want to live that way or not. This country has gotten in a lot of trouble before not protecting those who are forced to do something under some other "legal" or "moral" auspices. Ask the blacks, Japanese, or Native Americans about that.

But let me for a second pretend this is all about the freedom of religion point. My point is to say that when given freedom to do something a lot of people make stupid decisions. And if you are going to make a stupid decision why make it with Little House on the Prarie when you can make it with Baywatch.