Wednesday, March 26, 2008

so the last two weeks i have been from London to Munich to New Jersey to heading back to London tonight some fun stuff to report.

5 highlights

1. The dump came to Easter Dinner. I must say the Dump in mixed company should really be referred to as the Landfill.
2. Nobody drinks like the British, on an afternoon flight the guy to seated next to me put away 6 or 7 beers on the flight. He was in his mid thirties, professional. My states, puritanical background thinks this may be extreme, I don't know if the British do.
3. In a moment of interesting cinematic choice, the field and I went and saw Never Back Down, which is pretty much a shot for shot redo of the Karate Kid, with better fight scenes but worse acting, storytelling and factors of interest.
4. If I found out tomorrow that I was going to die in 30 days and could not spend time with friends and family, I might choose to spend that time in Munich. It's like New Orleans was pre-Katrina, Good food, Good beer, people in good moods, decent weather and a lot of the people speak a language I don't understand.
5. I feel like Lost is building itself up to either be the greatest show ever or a major let-down.

more to come...


Anonymous said...

I think LOST will one day be called the best show on TV, EVER.

FD said...

I love the office, 30 rock, curb, Arrested Development, but all of those shows are just cans of Milwaukee's best compared to the bottle of Jameson's 25 year reserve that is Seinfeld. No other show can entertain me as much.

Anonymous said...

Very true. Seinfeld is almost in a category of its own though.

Do they show LOST over there, or do you have to watch online?

FD said...

its on sundays after the thursday episode. But I have slingbox, which i will one day post about and how it is keeping my sanity.

Anonymous said...

Elisabeth Shue....Elisabeth Shue

Valerie said...

I am with you on Seinfeld...I could watch the reruns over and over...and have. I will watch the DVDs in 2-3 hour stretches and laugh my way through them.

I have loved other shows, but over time, grown bored of watching the reruns. I have never even come close to feeling that for Seinfeld and can't imagine that I ever will.