Monday, May 26, 2008

Indiana Jones.

Well for those that worried it doesn't suck. It follows the formula of Raiders and Last Crusade, in that the first part of the adventure is almost cooler than the rest of the movie. Not to use an English major word, but the exposition is way over done.

I read Ebert's review, and he makes a great comment, is the reason we don't like this one as much as the others is that it is the fourth, and if we had seen this one first would we have loved it just as much. It's an interesting comment, one that when combined with the fact that I am 23 years older than when I first saw the character, left me at the end of it saying, how I intro'ed this post, it didn't suck. As comparison I left Iron Man saying, how friggin cool and fun was that movie. One is positive the other is refuting negatives. Either way go see it, if for no other reason there is an awesome ants scene, and there is a great scene where IJ is interrogated by CIA agents and it implies a lot has happened since he left the holy grail.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I caught it today. Not too bad. I was probably the most cartoony of all the Indy flicks. I think the first three have seriousness to them that Crystal Skull lacks. That is not to say that I didn't like the shout-outs to the previous movies in the series, although I could find references to two of them and at least one reference to the tv series. The entire nuclear bomb test scene is phoenomenal.