Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The Masters is this week. Next to opening weekend of football, no sporting event gets me more excited.


Valerie said...

Who are you rooting for?

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised.

Anonymous said...

I always root for Mickelson (Like him I golf Lefty and like to take risks), Fred Couples (Because of the way he glides along the golf course) after that I I just want a close game on Sunday, so when I go to bed on Sunday night I can watch an exciting match.

Valerie said...

I like Mickelson too.

So you golf lefty...does that mean you write lefty too...or are you one of thos ambidextrous types that writes with his right, but does sports with his left because you are a natural-born lefty, but were forced to use your right hand to write?

I am a freak in my own way...I am left-handed, but do all things sports related right-handed.

Anonymous said...

I am so left dominated its painful. Remember when in Seinfeld they get upset because the girl keeps sittong on the wrong side. Thats me. Kills me. In bed I usually sleep on the left when looking at the bed, right when laying in it, unless I am on one of those guys trips where you end up sharing a bed and then I sually ask the guy how he usually sleeps with his girl and force him to sleep on the opposite side. A little trick I learned one morning when I woke up with a guys arm around me. (Luckily I am fortunate enough now where we usually spring for a bed a piece now. I can't wait until we are all 40 and spring for our own rooms)... One of the traits I get from my father is a general dislike for sharing sleeping environments with others, luckily I also get from him the ability to sleep anywhere, and the later is a good cure for the former.

Valerie said...

Your story makes me think of a line from another great movie John Hughes movie, "Those aren't pillows!"

Why is sleeping on the right something a left-handed person would do? That's where I sleep, but never analyzed it...my husband is right-handed and that's how it's always been since we've been married...but I don't remember having a dicussion, it just naturally happened.