Friday, July 28, 2006

One theoretical thing I wanted to bring up is the 100 dollar hamburger/2 dollar steak Trap. It's an idea I have that whenever someone takes something simple and makes it complicated, or takes something complicated and makes it simple then you should probably be wary. The trap derives its name from once being on an airplane reading through Destinations, Departures, or Leg Room, whatever those free seatback magazines are. There was an article about how somewhere (I think Vegas) there is a place that sells 100 dollar hamburgers, later in the article it talked about down the street there was a place you could get a steak for 2 dollars. Now I don't know about you, but I have had some pretty amazing burgers in my time, and I think the most I have ever spent is 10 maybe 15 dollars. On the other side of the culinary coin, I have had some incredible steaks, but the cheapest in recent memory was not under 20 dollars. Since I focus on work here are a corporate example for each:

1. The classic example of the corporate 100 dollar hamburger is when there is work that should take one person a day to do, but before it can ever get to that point, it becomes a project and there are pre-planning meetings, planning meetings, brainstorming sessions, a steering committee, documentation, a project plan, status updates, etc...
2. The classic 2 dollar steak often happens in selling something. I see it all the time with software vendors. They come in and give us this wham, bam, thank you ma'am presentation that makes it seem like all our problems including the receding hairlines and flat feet will be cured. Then we send in our IT guys and what they could do they can do, but it will take until about 2015 to get it done.

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