Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Today on the commute in within 45 seconds of each other I saw two different exact lookalikes for Rueben Kincaid from the Partridge Family. Come on Get Happy!!!


Anonymous said...

Someone really does read this blog. Good stuff.

Anonymous said...

I work for a corporation in an office.
is your word order intentional here? it makes me laugh each time i see it (which is daily)

FD said...

All of my posts are intentional, except when my spelling is off and my grammar is horrible, but often in the trenches proofreading is the first thing to go, that your taste for tuna with celery. Glad you enjoy and keep on reading, the corporation will forever provide me material.

Anonymous said...

I was inquiring as to word order intentionality in the sentence 'I work for a corporation in an office.' I realize I didn't make it clear, therefore losing the intent of my question!
Your corp is a goldmine of material considering what I've read in the past 2 months...thanks for sharing!!

Anonymous said...

I think the humor comes first from the corporation and second from the office. Thus the statement. The funniest things in the world come from large amounts of people who take themselves way-way too seriously.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Good to be in the audience at the corp play as far as I'm concerned. And even better to have a wordsmith such as yourself to convey that world to readers. To utilize a form from a prev post of yours, I do believe there's a psychological propinquity happening on my end. The 8 lbs or so above my shoulders thanks you once again.