Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Busiest 3 weeks of the year for me right now, expect light blogging.

That being said, if you ever want to fill up your life with 30 minutes of BS, ask an actress with a lazy eye about her craft. It will be filled with more nonsense than asking a middle manager about his strategic vision.

Also I was working with some people at pulling together a powerpoint presentation and one of their slides was a mock "Priceless" advertisement. Then what made it worse is they thought they had the creativity of Frank Gehry. And on top of that then when they presented it to others it got a hearty laugh. People expect and accept such mediocrity.

Day spent working on an important project 6
Hours spent preparing Powerpoint Presentation 5
Hours Practicing presentation 6
Using a hack joke's effect on your Presentation... Worthless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's too much work and too dangerous to be original. People want stuff that's already been run up the flagpole and saluted. The safe choice is the slippery slope down to mediocrity and stagnation. They should all be forced to read Strunk and White, twice.