Thursday, February 08, 2007

Reason number one why I won't vote for Obama. He is quiting smoking to run for President. I think smoking is a disgusting habit, but I really don't care if individuals smoke, that's their choice. What bothers me is that he is willing to change who he is to fit popular opinion, that's the wrong move.

In College I ran and beat (obviously if I lost I wouldn't share this story) two others to be college president. The one guy I ran against included in his platform, allowing kegs on campus. The students were smart and realized he was pandering for votes. Be who you are and get people to vote for you, that's what a leader is.


Anonymous said...

Obviously, Obama is using smoking as a political ploy to get elected... it won't work.

Anonymous said...

We need a political pander meter. For those of you who, like me, live somewhere in the vicinity of Boston, this has nothing to do with large black and white mammals. The mayor in the city in which I live panders continually to the one local daily newspaper, notorious for being to the right of Genghis Khan. It's curious, because he's nominally a Democrat, although city elections are "non-partisan" by law. The cynic in me, I've held elective muncipal office, knows that the first duty of every office holder is to be reelected. (Why can't you use a diaeresis on line? This is the second time today)