Thursday, February 08, 2007

My one and only Anna Nicole Story.

I lived in a typical suburban development until the age of 13. This was in New Jersey outside of Philadelphia. It was great you could ride your bike anywhere and everywhere. Your best friend lived a ten minute walk away. Then I moved to the end of a mile long dead end street where our nearest neighbor was half a mile away, in New Hampshire. I always had a bit of a tough time with this. In many ways it was good for me. I went to high school where I could excel and pursue interests, but in other ways I felt trapped, up on a hill disconnected from the world. The summer before I went to college I worked at a daycare center and also for a week got to house sit for family friends. I remember while I housesat feeling an incredible taste of freedom. I ate dinner when I wanted, I went to bed when I wanted. I wasn't exactly Jack Kerouac, but at 17 years old to be in a house by myself it was the greatest thing in the world. So I went home and three weeks later I went to college. My parents and my one brother dropped me off and I remember walking back to my dorm and feeling incredibly free, if that makes any sense. That feeling stayed. I could go to dinner at what time I wanted, I could study when I wanted, I could order pizza at 11 PM with guys down the hall. I think all college students feel this and some go off the deep end and drink everyday and flunk out. I was a reserved Catholic kid, so my expresion of freedom came with me shaving my head and going to the Waldenbooks in the Mall and spending 45 minutes working up the nerve to actually bring an issue of Playboy to the clerk. That issue included Anna Nicole Smith.

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