Monday, June 19, 2006

I haven't come to a consensus on people who have to-do lists. I personally scribble down on a regular basis a few things I need to get done. Often it looks like what follows:
  1. D-Cleaning Tuesday Night
  2. Pay Gas
  3. Dust
  4. Make fun of Geico Commercials
  5. Try to show up to work within 10 minutes of when I am due to be there
  6. Stop daydreaming about what it would be like to be raised by wolves

I had a boss once, who had the most elaborate lists. Parts of her list included multi-colored ink, a shaped marking system that indicated how far along the to-do was being done, she rewrote the list every other day and then she kept a notebook where she taped the list to a page and added any comments so she could go back week by week if need be to reference. What I took away from this experience was that no matter what her kids did they were going to dissapoint her.

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