Wednesday, June 14, 2006

So some of you may or may not know that I have started KickBoxing at Club-Ko. On Wednesday nights there is a special class called "Pads and Technique", which could also be one part of the syllabus for the girls section of a fifth grade public school sex ed class, but that is neither here nor there. Tonight we focused on Pads. The class started with each of us partnering up with a stranger and then alternating in 5 minute stints punching each other in mitts we wore. As someone who awkwardly hugs relatives imagine my reaction when the instructor said, "Okay now put your arms around your partner (my, at this point, really, really sweaty partner) and knee him in his mitts."

To some of you that will conjure an image that is rather funny, to others it might conjure an image that is kind of hot, to me it was just another moment in the class. Ten years ago I might have been a bit weird about having to do such. Maybe that is a sign that I am more mature. And maybe this post that was meant to share a funny moment in my night has turned into the Wonder Years... Either way it ended with Brian, the no-longer stranger, saying "see you next week in class". I wonder if he is a short-order cook?

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