Sunday, June 25, 2006

One more soccer thought. Corporations should institute yellow cards.
  • Timewasting: spending a large portion of your day discussing your kids, your fantasy baseball team, your recipe for brownies, you repairs to your third bathroom or any other inane topic that wouldn't be interesting except for the fact that you are at work
  • Blatant flirting with the intern. Always remember when she was in eighth grade your student loans were half paid off.
  • Over cc'ing on an email. We get it you actually are doing work, you don't need to remind us every 12 minutes.
  • Pungent food at your desk. There are times I wonder if people are eating a fart sandwich on sweat socks bread and washing it down with sour milk
  • Obnoxious cell phone ring. I am sure at the family picnic everyone gets a kick out of hearing the theme from MASH every time someone calls, but for those in the office we are reminded why the song is actually called Suicide is Painless
  • Quoting anything you learned in "B-school". We get it, you have an MBA, that doesn't mean you need to be a douchebag.
  • Calling someone who is close enough so that others in the office can hear both sides of the conversation.
  • Too many inspirational quotes in a cube. Has your "together we acheive more" poster with a bunch of stallions running through the prarie really helped you, you have been in the same position for ten years

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