Wednesday, November 01, 2006

This is a horrible story. First it is horrible for the kids, but then it is horrible for Duct Tape which for many years has had a very positive influence on childrearing.

For Example.

1977. I was one, and received a ball of Duct Tape as a pacifier
1979. In a fit of alcoholic rage Cindy Winslow's father rips the head off of her stuffed Walrus, Mr Wum-Wum. He tapes it back on with Duct Tape
1981. Leornard Mack uses Duct Tape to strap in his child Pete's carseat as the 1974 Pinto station wagon has broken seatbelts
1985: While taking his son Rex to a topless bar, and not wanting to expose his child to the debauchery, Rex Sawyer puts a Duct Tape blindfold on little Eddie.
1987. Instead of sending his daughter Lucy to summer camp for soccer, Gene Reynolds Duct Tapes a Soccer Ball to the clothesline and has her practice kicking
1991. Mrs. Porter uses Duct Tape on the front door when her daughter does not make her 10:45 curfew
1995. Ned Cole uses Duct Tape to attach his son's "F" on a paper about the Scarlet Letter to his chest for an entire Saturday

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