Monday, October 30, 2006

IS there anything more telling then when someone comes up with a really clever halloween costume, but then is overly proud about it. Saturday night I saw the movie Cocaine Cowboys. I cannot recommend it highly enough. It's a documentary about how drugs really built Miami into the city it is today. It included a lot of archival footage, a lot of explanations about how it was done, and really some spot on interviews. It ran a notch long, but otherwise great film, and best of all the soundtrack was done by Jan Hammer who was the music guy for Miami Vice.

Anyhow on the bus on the way home, there were two guys dressed up as the Super Mario brothers. The costumes were clever and pretty sharp, but in the end they were way to proud, bordering on hubris about the whole thing, and it showed that they probably had been thinking about these costumes since last year's party when they came as the two kids from Boy Meets World and bombed.

Tonight I will be dressed as Mike Vrabel from the New England Patriots as hopefully they win in Monday night.

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