Monday, October 16, 2006

To my six faithful readers: Who the bell tolls it tolls for thee. I am back and with a wordiness that can only be matched with Nunchucks and hand bells.

5 People who I don't understand

1. People who own more than one Crossbow, but don't own a Crossbow museum
2. People who wear flipflops and mittens (Do you really have much temp discrepancy in your extremities)
3. Anyone who Tivo's Home Shopping
4. People who spend more on Window Treatments than Windows
5. People who consistently Google themselves

3 People I do understand
1. People who don't drink coffee
2. People who put together coherent thoughts communicating valuable information
3. The clerk at CVS who is large and looks a bit intimidating but actually is always friendly.


Anonymous said...

Glad you are back.

Anonymous said...

Redeye has to ask: What's your opinion on the wearing of both a pair of Shorts and a Hooded Sweatshirt at the same time?

FD said...

Shorts and Hooded Sweatshirt makes sense to me. Shorts and down parka does not.

Slinger said...

Shorts and sweatshirts is good.

How about flipflops, shorts and a stocking cap?