Wednesday, May 09, 2007

In the history of your life have you ever been interested when you ask someone at work how their vacation was, if you have already been to where they went to? In fact if I really think about there are only maybe 6 places that if someone from work went on vacation I would actually care about hearing about.

  1. Antarctica (especially if they have pictures of adorable penguins... speaking of which what do you call a baby penguin.. a Chick? Don't know... hmm and only have one browser open so can't google...)
  2. South Africa (because I really really want to go, and think in 10 years South Africa will be the new Australia)
  3. Playboy Mansion (Curiosity Kills the Cat)
  4. On a Game Show (Obvious)
  5. Austin (only because everyone I have met that has been to Austin has a good Austin story, even moreso than New Orleans or Vegas)
  6. Outer Space (Not because I would want to know what outer space was like, I have read books about it and besides getting to see the Earth (which is supper freaking cool) it actually sounds pretty boring otherwise.. I would want to find out so I could have ammunition to make fun of the person in a more clever way than the rest of the people whose little sense of humor would immediately go to hacky jokes about Missle Toe or Sex in Zero G's)

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