Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Three things as I am back in the home office after my one day jaunt to Chicago...

  1. Slinger, you may or may not agree with me, but yesterday in that part of the world the weather was borderline perfection. Clear, Crisp skies, nice soft wind, and warm but not oppressive heat.
  2. When I studied Finance in college I had this vision of what studying Finance meant. I soon learned that my vision and reality were sharply different. Client dinners and deal making was replaced with reconciling spreadsheets and meetings with no purpose other than to make everyone sound important. Sunday night we get to the hotel and I am with my Boss's boss's boss (which sounds impressive although theoretically as recently as two or three months ago he was my boss, so it only proves that they are layering people on top of me). So we are sitting there in the hotel bar looking over the report we were to present on Monday drinking scotch (which I know make me a poser, but when in Rome or Oak Brook, Illinois as it were). I looked around the rest of the bar and other people doing work and for a second my vision from sophomore year of college and reality were in sync. Then what we we went over included changing the font on the page numbers.
  3. How awkward is it when someone you really like writes you an email that you normally would immediately mock and laugh at. For example a girl I once kinda saw in the pre-lake days would send "Happy Wednesday" emails. I am not going to say that was a dealbreaker or showstopper, but it didn't help the cause.


Anonymous said...

FD: yes it was borderline perfect....but today. Today was PERFECT

FD said...

Always a day late and a dollar short.