Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Do you ever like to think in terms of a matchup? Like, if these two things went head to head, who would win? Today the Lake presents some toughies.

  1. Ragu Pasta Sauce vs. Wishbone Blue Cheese Dressing
  2. The Washington Post vs. moisturizer that is a bit too oily
  3. Yellowstone National Park vs. The episode of Cheers where Woody sings the Kelly song
  4. Elvis Costello's Alison vs. Empire Strikes Back (Really think about this one)
  5. Salt Licks vs. Miniblinds
  6. A Ford Taurus vs. Joy Behar
  7. Salt and Vinegar Potato Chips vs. Carrot Cake
  8. Helium vs. Carbon
  9. Flutes vs. Belize
  10. Mountain Climber on Price is Right or actually climbing a Mountain

Feel Free to let me know your choices, I have made mine. Feel free to offer your own Match-up and I will be glad to tell you my thoughts.

1 comment:

Slinger said...

Ragu Pasta Sauce vs. Wishbone Blue Cheese Dressing - Blue Cheese always wins, Ragu is just too watery.

The Washington Post vs. moisturizer that is a bit too oily - Moisturizer would win, it would weaken the Post and render it helpless.

Yellowstone National Park vs. The episode of Cheers where Woody sings the Kelly song - tough one, but I think Woody takes the cake

Elvis Costello's Alison vs. Empire Strikes Back (Really think about this one) - not familiar with the song so I will say Empire.

Salt Licks vs. Miniblinds - Miniblinds would slice up the Salt

A Ford Taurus vs. Joy Behar - no winner here, both collide and destroy each other.

Salt and Vinegar Potato Chips vs. Carrot Cake - SnV chips will beat ANYTHING

Helium vs. Carbon - Helium will use its power of weightlessness to win

Flutes vs. Belize - belize

Mountain Climber on Price is Right or actually climbing a Mountain - I would say climb a mountain, weather permitting of course.