Thursday, January 18, 2007

There is a lot of talk about this tragedy of the woman who lost the "Hold your Wee for a Wii" radio contest and her life. The background is this nutty Morning zoo type of station has a contest where people drink water and then cannot get rid of the water, and whoever can drink and not get rid of the most and longest wins a Wii. So the woman who came in second died due to Water Intoxication. The Lake would never disrespect water by using it in a contest. It does however have some other safer contests to suggest.

  • Hold a Sneeze win a trip to Belize (Have contestents sniff pepper and the last one to sneeze wins)
  • Don't Yawn get a New Lawn (Have homeowners with yellow grass stay up all night, then the next morning have them watch two hours of C-Span last to not yawn wins)
  • Don't Laugh have dinner with Slash (Show contestants hysterical footage of cats slipping on wood floors, babys saying appropriate things, and Kangaroos and winner gets to have Dinner with the Guitarist for GNR)
  • Don't Hold Your Wee for a Wii (Have the contestents spend 20 minutes in a sauna, then have them exercise for an hour, then give them as much water as they want, but the first one to wee gets a Wii
  • Count to Ten for a Pen (People that call into the radio station and can count to ten quickets win a nice Cross pen, the kind you give a kid you don't know much about for a graduation present)

Please fee free to add you own and we can all become Radio Consultants.


Anonymous said...

Slash is no longer with GNR, he, and the rest of the BnR band are now Velvet Revolver. Basically GnR minus Axl Rose. Just sayin'

Anonymous said...

Sorry, should read GnR, not BnR