Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I know what you are thinking "When will this day end?", but I know what you were thinking before that popped into your head, "What did the Lake think of the Katie Couric debut?"

Well I Tivoed it. I like to watch the first of major switches, it makes me feel like I am important. Here are my five thoughts:

  1. Who is doing her make-up, Benjamin Moore or Sherwin Williams?
  2. Does anyone really like Morgan Spurlock? He had a great idea with SuperSizeMe, but as a person he is only slightly less annoying than a 5 year old with ADD who just got out of the Hershey Chocolate tour to get on your 6 hour flight to London, whose favorite song is 99 bottles of beer on the wall.
  3. Is there anyone who looks as smart as Tom Freidman, I usually don't even listen to him, but he looks so damn credible.
  4. She offered that people could suggest sign-offs for her broadcast. I think it would be a nice way to end it, if she said "I am Katie Couric, enjoy the rest of your evening on the couch America."
  5. I was reminded why most people get their news from the internet, its just so much more efficient. It took 30 minutes to get through 5 stories. In 5 minutes on the internet I can find a recipe for salmon lasagna, read a story about a nudity in vermont, and read through an email from the uncle of the deposed President of Kenya and send him my bank information to help him regain control.

Either way the Lake wishes KC luck... but you might want to let up on the foundation...

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