Thursday, September 21, 2006

This is the high school where I took the SATs. It was one town over from my high school. Three things to think about.

  • These are kids who in the age of Myspace, parent's basements, Tivo, Ipods, and Texas Holdem, who still want to go to dances, instead of punishing them, they should be rewarded.
  • Think about how far behind these kids are going to be when they go away to college and are at their first college party. How are they ever going to find a prospective one night mate when they do not have the grinding skills of their classmates? Is not the role of high school education?
  • Grinding is a "sexual" dance. Not to ruin it for the principal but all dances are sexual. Come on: The Twist, The Fox Trot, Limbo, The Mashed Potato and Hokey Pokey.

Yet again, we see the example of someone with a little bit of power stretching it to go on a power trip over something that doesn't get to the heart of the matter anyway. It's like when the manager complains to his employee about being five minutes late, but never even considers changing a process that is completely absurd.

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