Sunday, September 03, 2006

I think everyone has a movie that when someone else says they love it, in your mind you kind of nod your head and say, "I think I understand this person's sensibilities, and they are like my own." Mine is Almost Famous. On so many levels do I love that movie. From the music, to some hearbreaking scenes, to the earnestness of William. I don't watch it a ton, but when I do I always want to go do something creative: like write a novel, sing karaoke or play Pictionary.

So anyway this morning I am walking back from kickboxing happy that the sun is actually out and I was thinking about Cameron Crowe movies (Say Anything, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Jerry McGuire, Vanilla Sky, Elizabethtown, Singles, Almost Famous). I think I stumbled on a potential idea that right now is only half baked, but I will research into the validity. Evey Cameron Crowe movie is about a potential reasonable future for the comic Strip character Charlie Brown. As of now it makes sense in my mind.

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