Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I used to have a gym teacher who would always say, "If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem". He was also the gym teacher who on our 6th grade Outdoor Education Week took us for a hike and when we were required to pick up one piece of litter, in front of us all, he pulled out a pack of Marlboros, lit one and then threw the empty pack on the ground. He also looked like Elliot Gould. What is my point?

If you have a Dilbert comic strip in your cubicle you are not part of the solution. (I know on first blush you are wondering where the connection is, but to me the connection is as clear as day). In my cubicle I only have hand drawn comic strips of me looking at spreadsheet formulas. Then again I am kind of hardcore.

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