Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Performance Evaluation Time has started at work. This is the lovely process of picking 8 or so people that like you and hoping that they will write really nice things about you. So today I come to the question, "Is this person able, to in this position, further the company's goals?"

I have to do 8 of these things. I was wondering if I answered with the following answer how it would go over:

The job this person is assigned to do, could probably be done by a dyslexic rabid Koala Bear and the only difference would be the bear would be cute. (Marsupials by law are cute) I don't blame this person for this. I blame the corporate management that hires people for jobs that they are over-qualified for, rather than invest in processes that would allow smart people to do smart work. So maybe the better question is what do corporations gain from getting a bunch of people to list petty grievances masked as talent improvement initiatives or management development opportunities?

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