Wednesday, July 05, 2006

You are stuck on a boat when the ship you were on sinks. There with you is Taylor Hicks, Camilla Parker Bowles and former MTV DJ Kennedy. What do you do?

A) jump and swim for shore
B) Take the flare gun and stick it in your mouth
C) Make the most of it by teaching them the complete lyrics to the Counting Crows second album
D) Take copious notes for the tell-all book.
E) Woo CPB.
F) Row.

If you said
A) You are a person of action and have no trust in humanity
B) You are not good in stressful situations
C) You spent too much time as a camp counselor
D) You are an opportunist that would probably think the greatest thing that ever happened to you would be almost getting in an accident
E) You are Prince Charles
F) You are a pragmatist and will eventually be very frustrated with your career and the fact that organization's don't just ignore good decisions, they sometimes intentionally do the opposite.
I know what you are thinking, aren't there other options, like using the on board radio to alert the Coast Guard. No. Taylor Hicks will pee on the radio within the first 45 seconds. Those seven options have proved themselves out time after time, since the original on the boat test of 1961 involving Corretta Scott King, Milton Berle and legendary DJ Alan Freed.


Anonymous said...

Good posts today.

Princess Pessimism said...

apparently im an opotrunist.