Wednesday, July 12, 2006

You are on a long bus ride. The kind you would only take for a weird reason, such as you are visiting Montana and visiting a place five hours from the nearest airport. You are offered three seats to sit in, additionally you are the second to last person to get on the bus, the last person behind you is carrying an infant.

1. Seat one is your prefered seat (aisle or window) next to a normal looking person who is engrossed in an I-pod.
2. Seat two is the opposite of your preffered seat, next to an extremely attractive person who is eating what appears to be fried clams and tarter sauce.
3. Seat three is a two seater where both seats are empty.

What do you choose?
1. Your medicine cabinet contains multiple sizes of band-aids and both hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol. Chances are when you Iron you use distilled water.
2. If you are ever in Hawaii and the rental car agency offers for 15 dollars more a day a convertable, you will definitely take up the offer.
3. When they offer a jar that says take a penny, leave a penny you have never left a penny.

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