Monday, August 28, 2006

From this week's issue of the Philosophical Seamstress Weekly:

Points to Ponder:

1. Would you rather knit a turtleneck sweater for a giraffe or horn cover for 6 rhinos?
2. If you make a mistake on a king sized afghan, but it turns out to be the perfect full size afgan: is the final product defective?
3. If you rename a lockstitch a chain stitch and a chain stitch a lock stitch and how much longer would it take for you to make a summer dress for your niece's 14th Birthday?
4. You own a scarf, over the years it begins unraveling at the one end. So you continuously add on to the other end to keep the scarf the same length. Eventually, however, you get to the point where you have unraveled all of the original scarf and are starting to unravel your repairs. At this point is that scarf considered the original scarf or is it a second scarf you have created?
5. A new company has developed a fabric that never wears, that can adjust to fit any style, and is more comfortable than the highest thread count sheets on a soft bed after a long hike. People love the fabric so much that they refuse to wear anything else. What do you knit now?

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