Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Mayor's office has asked all buildings in NY to close their shades and set the AC at 78 degrees as we are forecasted to hit between 105-109. Some of the other thing Mayor asked:

1. Please, if you have a copy of ICE AGE 2: The Meltdown, place it in your DVD player and play.
2. Please first use stored supplies of York Peppermint Patties before purchasing new ones.
3. Z100, the city's Top 40 Radio station, is required to play Ice Ice Baby at the top of the hour
4. Q104, the city's Classic Rock Station, is required to play Cold as Ice at the bottom of the hour
5. Please chew as much as your mouth can fill of Dentyne Ice gum.
6. Please check on your elderly neighbors.

I think Al-Qaeda has developed a weather machine.

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