Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Three unresolved questions from the 80's.

1. If you were in charge of creating cyborg police officers who would you choose to make them, the creators of Inspector Gadget or Robocop? (Think long and hard because in a way they were both pretty crappy police officers, Inspector Gadget never got Dr. Claw and everywhere Robocop went there was chaos and destruction)
2. Is there a better ficitional Amazing Race partner than Macgyver? (I guess I would hear arguments for the Flash, but the Flash is just so cocky.)
3. Who would win on Family Feud: The Keatons from Family Ties or the Seavers from Growing Pains? I am tempted to say the Keatons since Alex was smart and Steven worked for PBS, but Jason was a doctor and Carol went to Columbia.

If you decide toe reread this post please hum Man from Down Under while doing so.

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