Thursday, August 24, 2006

Let me come out, and this may be controversial, that I am fine with Pluto not being defined as a planet. In fact, while we are at it let's get rid of Uranus as well, if for no other reason than the santity of grade school science teachers everywhere.


Megan Ford said...

Seriously, Uranus jokes have gotten so old! My students think up the same ones each year! However, I now have to fix all my information and lessons on the solar system.

FD said...

A few times in high school, I tried standup. I was asked to perform at a show to raise money for a scholarship (The rest of the acts ranged from American Idol wannabees to guys with bongos). They wanted to see my material as if I was going to do a lot of incest and shit jokes. I did this bit about things you can do to have fun with your education. It was a series of one liners. One of the jokes was "Do all your science projects on Uranus" The people that were running the show censored that line. Since then I have been fascinated by Uranus. Not Your Anus swankypants, Uranus the planet.